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Thông báo học bổng MEXT của chính phủ Nhật Bản. (Xem chi tiết thông báo pdf)

Dear HU Ambassadors and Partners,

Greeting from Hokkaido University, Sapporo! Thank you for your continuous support for HU. I believe you, your family, and your colleagues are all safe and in good health.

We are sending this email to ask you to cooperate distributing the titled information as follows.

We appreciate that if you could forward following message & attached PDF to those considering to study in Japan (prospective students) and their parents.

- Training Program for Global Innovators In Life Sciences

Greetings from Hokkaido University.

I am Tomoyasu Aizawa, a professor in Hokkaido University’s Faculty of Advanced Life Science. On behalf of the university, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your great support and cooperation in implementing our institutional mission and vision.

I am writing to inform you about the call for International Graduate Program (IGP) special MEXT scholarship students for October 2020 enrollment.

The IGP is a program for those who wish to pursue graduate studies in the life sciences at Hokkaido University’s Graduate School of Life Science. In 2018, the IGP program was accepted as a special recipient for the MEXT "Training Program for Global Innovators in Life Sciences (TP-GILS)" special scholarship, which will fund 7 doctoral students and 1 master’s student this year.

Those interested should contact prospective supervisors to discuss their suitability for this scholarship. After a professor agrees to sponsor a student, application documents should be submitted to the supervisor, who will be subsequently submit to the IGP administration office by the end of October.

The first step to apply for this scholarship is to find a laboratory that matches applicant’s research goals and contact the professor directly. I would appreciate it if you could help us spread the word about this scholarship opportunity to your students.

If you have any questions regarding this scholarship or the IGP,
please feel free to contact us at the links below.


IGP Administration office
E-mail: igp@sci.hokudai.ac.jp
website: http://altair.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/grad/igpoverview/
Best regards,
TAKESHIMA, Naomi (Ms.)
Public Relations Division
Hokkaido University

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