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 (22/3/2018) Thông tin chương trình tài trợ nghiên cứu của quỹ Newton

(Xem file pdf đính kèm: International Collaboration Awards Scheme Notes - March 2018.    - How to find UK collaborators)

  Dear Vietnamese researchers,

 (Please help pass this information to your relevant network)

The British Embassy Hanoi is pleased to inform you of the Royal Society’s call for international collaborative research proposals under the UK Government’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF).

 Remit: The proposed research must fall within the remit of the Royal Society (the natural sciences including engineering). The Royal Society does not cover social sciences or clinical medical research.

 Eligibility: Who can apply? The UK applicant and overseas co-applicant must both be research leaders of international standing with an established track record in their field of research. You must demonstrate evidence of leading a strong research group as well as leadership within the research community, in particular making a substantial contribution to the identification and execution of independent research. As a guide, we would expect both applicants to have at a minimum 8 years of active post-PhD research experience.

  • Value: The maximum award value cannot exceed £225,000 for a three-year period (up to a maximum of £75,000 per year). The grant can be used flexibly on activities directly relevant to supporting collaboration between the applicants and their research groups.

 Deadline for submission: 3rd May 2018

 If you are interested in this programme, we recommend you visit the webcall below and read the attached scheme notes thoroughly.


 FYI - last year a research group from Hochiminh city University of Industry and University of Nottingham won a grant of this programme. If you need to find UK-based collaborators, please see some suggestions attached.

 Best wishes,

 Lien Huong

 Phan Thi Lien Huong (Ms.) | Research and Innovation Programme Manager |

British Embassy Hanoi | Central Building | 31 Hai Ba Trung street | Hanoi | Vietnam |

T: +84 24 3936 0500 ext 2297; Direct: +84 24 3936 0597 | Mob: +84 (0) 904 461 817 | FTN: 8493 2297 |

Email: phan.huong@fco.gov.uk | Website: https://www.gov.uk/world/vietnam/news |

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