College of Agriculture

Department of Plant Protection


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Thông tin Tuyển dụng
Hội thảo chuyên đề Tuyến trùng
Hội nghị International Conference on BioProtection on Sustainable Agriculture
Nhân sự bộ môn Bảo vệ Thực vật
Ban chấp hành khối ngành Bảo vệ Thực vật (2024 - 2025)
International Conference of Climate-Smart and Resilient Agriculture for Sustainable Development
Tập huấn với tổ chức CABI
ACP - International Scientist School
Các hoạt động nghiên cứu khoa học trong sinh viên
Các chương trình học bổng dành cho sinh viên


General information

Admissions group

Name of major: Plant Protection

Major code: 7620112

Training period: 4.5 years

Total credits for the whole course: 150

Degree title: Plant Protection Engineer


1.   Math - Chemistry - Biology (B00),

2.   Math - Biology - English (B08)

3 .   Math - Chemistry - English (D07).


Admission by high school transcripts (average 3 subjects 20 points)

Educational and training objectives

  • Training engineers specialized in Plant Protection.
  • The edicated engineers should have patriotism the will to establish a career, a professional ethics with dynamic and creative thinking, a sense of responsibility, a sense of good discipline and a civilized living style.
  • Training is always associated with the reality of production and is modern in accordance with the general development trend in the world in the period of international economic integration in order to train engineers with basic knowledge of agriculture, deep and solid expertise in Plant Protection, good communication ability, market understanding and community development. Students will be trained in the correct diagnosis of plant pests, have the ability to self-study for life, understand and take advantage of knowledge and apply integrated pest management methods with high efficiency and sustainability. and ecological safety.

Career opportunities

After graduating, the plan protection engineer is able to get job at some following organizations such as  Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Agricultural Extension Center, Plant Protection Sub-Department, Plant Protection Station, companies, farms, seed farms, and plant quarantine; join in all activities in the field of production and trading of plant protection drugs, research institutes, universities, colleges and professional schools,...

Opportunity to study other majors or go on to graduate school

After graduating from the University, students can continue to study for a Master's and Doctoral degree in Plant Protection.

Plant Protection Major Curriculumn ( Online Search ) ( Pdf )



Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, Can Tho University

Campus II, 3/2 street, Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city, Viet Nam
Email:; Tel: 02923 872 064