College of Agriculture

Department of Plant Protection


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Thông tin Tuyển dụng
Hội thảo chuyên đề Tuyến trùng
Hội nghị International Conference on BioProtection on Sustainable Agriculture
Nhân sự bộ môn Bảo vệ Thực vật
Ban chấp hành khối ngành Bảo vệ Thực vật (2024 - 2025)
International Conference of Climate-Smart and Resilient Agriculture for Sustainable Development
Tập huấn với tổ chức CABI
ACP - International Scientist School
Các hoạt động nghiên cứu khoa học trong sinh viên
Các chương trình học bổng dành cho sinh viên


1. International project:

- IRRI: Model of reduce pesticide on rice (1990-1992); Study on rice-root nematode (1991-1995); Project of agricultural biodiversity (1998-2001).

- Denmark: Project on Stimulating the Systemic Acquired Resistance in plants (1998-2006); Integrated management of nutrition and diseases in paddy rice fields in Vietnam (2007-2010).

- England: Project on Enhancing the ability to diagnose disease (2001-2003)

- Switzerland: Project on Nematodes in ornamental crops (2005-2006); Project on Integrated management of Nematodes in black pepper (2009).

-TWAS (Italy): Biological control bacterial leaf bight on rices (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae) by bacteriophages in Vietnam (2015)

- Japan: Integrated Pests Management on fruit (2001-2003); Biological control of pests and diseases damage on crop (2006-2008); Study on application of biological control agents for management of important insect pests and diseases in paddy fields in the Mekong delta of Vietnam (2016-2018). Studies on insect pests and diseases and development of alternative plant protection technologies (2018-2021); Development of a high-quality mango product model adaptive to climate change in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam (2022-2025)

2 National project

Research and application of actinomycetes in the management of Fusarium solani fungus causing yellow leaf disease - citrus root rot in the Mekong Delta (2017).

 Survey and application of biological measures to prevent black spot disease on peanuts caused by nematodes in Tra Vinh province (2017)

Develop process and integrated management model of sweet potato borer in Vinh Long province (2017).

Study on biological management of beetle, Diocalandra frumenti (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and fruit borer, Tirathaba sp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) damaging coconut trees in Ben Tre province (2017).

Study on sex pheromone of pomelo borer Citripestis sagittiferella Moore (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): determination of chemical structure, synthesis and evaluation of external efficacy (2018).


Technology transfer and production service through scientific conference, workshop, short training, technical training for staffs who work in plant protection department center, department and station of the department of rural planning and development, researchers at research institutes, training for farmers in the Mekong delta of Vietnam.




Providing of scientific books, handbook, curriculum, leaflets and flyers, national and international papers, video and other relevant legal documents. Supplying of biological control products, including pheromone traps of lepidopteran and coleopteran; beneficial microbial agents for controlling insect herbivors and palnt pathogens …




Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, Can Tho University

Campus II, 3/2 street, Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city, Viet Nam
Email:; Tel: 02923 872 064