2. CV
3. Transcript
4. English Proficiency Proof (if any)
Danh sách giáo sư:
1. Dr. HWANG, Feng-Nan
Specialty: Scientific and parallel computing, Domain decomposition, Computational fluid dynamics and biomechanics
Professor of the Department of Optics and Photonics
Specialty: Growth and fabrication of III-nitride optoelectronic devices: LEDs, biosensors, solar cells, etc.
3. Dr. WU, Albert T.
Chairman & Professor of Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering
Specialty: Advanced Electronic Packaging: device reliability, low-temperature bonding material, interconnects for power device; Thermoelectric Module: bulk and thin film
Associate Chairman & Professor of Department of Civil Engineering
Specialty: Applications of centrifuge modeling technique on the geotechnical engineering; Failure mechanism and seismic behavior of geosynthetic reinforced earth structures; Soil-structure interaction behavior; Soil liquefaction and lateral spreading; Failure behavior of slope ground during rainfall, earthquake and gravity
Professor of Department of Business Administration
Specialty: Marketing Management, Marketing Channels, Global Branding, MarTech (e.g., marketing analytics, AR, VR, metaverse, proximity marketing etc.), Sustainability Marketing, Global Marketing, Neuro Marketing
Director of the International Master of Business Administration program (IMBA)
Specialty: Corporate Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Dividend Policy
Director of the International Graduate Program in AI
Specialty: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Data Management, Network Security
Associate Professor of Graduate Institute of Applied Geology
Assistant Professor of Department of Life Sciences
Specialty: Evolutionary genetics
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