CTU          English

    Thông tin cần chuẩn bị:
1. Interview form (this will be sent to you via e-mail after you register and 3 days before the interview)
2. CV
3. Transcript
4. English Proficiency Proof (if any)
Danh sách giáo sư:
1. Dr. HWANG, Feng-Nan
Professor of the Department of Mathematics
Specialty: Scientific and parallel computing, Domain decomposition, Computational fluid dynamics and biomechanics
2. Dr. LAI, Kun-Yu
Professor of the Department of Optics and Photonics
Specialty: Growth and fabrication of III-nitride optoelectronic devices: LEDs, biosensors, solar cells, etc.
3. Dr. WU, Albert T.
Chairman & Professor of Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering
Specialty: Advanced Electronic Packaging: device reliability, low-temperature bonding material, interconnects for power device; Thermoelectric Module: bulk and thin film
4. Dr. HUNG, Wen-Yi
Associate Chairman & Professor of Department of Civil Engineering
Specialty: Applications of centrifuge modeling technique on the geotechnical engineering; Failure mechanism and seismic behavior of geosynthetic reinforced earth structures; Soil-structure interaction behavior; Soil liquefaction and lateral spreading; Failure behavior of slope ground during rainfall, earthquake and gravity
5. Dr. CHENG, Ming-Sung
Professor of Department of Business Administration
Specialty: Marketing Management, Marketing Channels, Global Branding, MarTech (e.g., marketing analytics, AR, VR, metaverse, proximity marketing etc.), Sustainability Marketing, Global Marketing, Neuro Marketing
6. Dr. LI, Wei-Hsien
Director of the International Master of Business Administration program (IMBA)
Associate Professor of Department of Finance
Specialty: Corporate Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Dividend Policy
7. Dr. SUN, Min-Te Peter
Director of the International Graduate Program in AI
Professor of Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
Specialty: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Data Management, Network Security
8. Dr. HUANG, Wen-Jen Owen
Associate Professor of Graduate Institute of Applied Geology
Specialty: Structural Geology, Field Geology, Mechanical Models on Faulting and Folding
9. Dr. LEE, Yu-Hsiang
Associate Dean of College of Health Sciences and Technology
Distinguished Professor of Department of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering
Specialty: Biomaterials, Nanomedicine, Drug Delivery, Tissue Engineering, Photobioreactor Engineering,  Mechanotransductional Biology 
10. Dr. YEH, Shu-Dan
Assistant Professor of Department of Life Sciences
Specialty: Evolutionary genetics

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