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Thông tin tuyển sinh và học bổng các chương trình thạc sĩ năm học 2022 - 2023 của Institute of Development Policy - ĐH Antwerp - Vương quốc Bỉ 
 Tên chương trình / học bổng: Scholarships for Advanced Masters in Development Studies
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Đơn vị / tổ chức: Institute of Development Policy (IOB - UAntwerp)
Thông tin tổng quát:
 - Master of Globalisation and Development
 - Master of Development Evaluation and Management
 - Master of Governance and Development
Điều kiện/tiêu chuẩn: https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/about-uantwerp/faculties/institute-of-development-policy/development-studies/master-development-studies/application/
Quyền lợi: www.vliruos.be/en/scholarships/
Cách thức nộp hồ sơ: https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/about-uantwerp/faculties/institute-of-development-policy/development-studies/master-development-studies/application/application-procedure/
Deadline: https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/about-uantwerp/faculties/institute-of-development-policy/development-studies/master-development-studies/application/deadlines/
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Advanced Master programmes in Development Studies
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Development Studies

at the University of Antwerp, Belgium

30 Scholarships available!
Do you lose sleep over issues of globalisation, the climate crisis, migration or inequality and poverty around the world?
Do you want to contribute to local and/or global development?

The Institute of Development Policy (IOB) at the University of Antwerp brings together people from around the world who share your concerns and ambitions.  

In one of our three Advanced Masters, you’ll study these issues, expand your knowledge, confront innovative and challenging ideas, and acquire vital professional skills.

Apply now for academic year 2022-2023

Master of Globalisation and Development

  • Tackle the great challenges of our time: migrationclimate and environment and more equal distribution of wealth through tradeglobal value chains and labour markets
  • Study the opportunities of inclusive development at the interface of global and local development processes
  • Assess policy and programme interventions and the role of public and private actors therein.
  • Assess the strenghts and weaknesses of the development paradigms and the role of external actors in that respect.
  • Attain a better understanding of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development policies and programmes.
  • Analyse the interaction between national institutionslocal politics and external actors.
Master of Governance and Development
  • Analyse governance in the interaction between the dynamics at the national level and the local level.
  • Attain a better understanding of the processes of state formation, state failure and state reconstruction.
  • Explore the issues of governance and development against the background of violent conflict and the challenge of post-conflict state reconstruction.
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Our vision is one of a just and sustainable world.
As an institute of development studies, we strive to help build such a world through multidisciplinary academic research, education, partnerships and political engagement.
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